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Guidelines for the students:

  1. Keep a printed college designed Answer Sheet ready before the exam.
  2. Students are not allowed to write exam on any other paper other than college designed answer sheet.
  3. Make sure that your Google drive of (Gmail account) used in the exam is having enough empty space.
  4. Make sure that your WIFI & mobile data is having full internet connectivity.
  5. Upload all answer sheets as per respective questions in PDF only.
  6. Answer all questions in answer sheet with utter care & then scan one by one.
  7. The students must ensure that they make themselves properly aware of the syllabus, paper pattern, time-table and technical platform used by the college. Thus they must take the examinations as perthe time-table schedule prescribed by the college and should make requisite arrangements (Smartphone/ Laptop/Tab/Desktop/any other gadget, Internet Connectivity) to appear for the onlineexamination.
  8. Since this is an online examination, there will not be anyrevaluation.
  9. Students should refer to and follow instructions given by College and University. Do not believe messages spread on any social mediaplatform.