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Affiliation and Recognition
  • Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Mumbai
  • Recognized by National Council of Teacher Education and Directorate of Higher Education, Pune, Maharashtra.
  • Candidates with at least 50 % marks either in the Bachelor Degree( three year programme) in B.A, B.Sc or 50% (49.50-49.99%) in post-graduation and for the reserved category (ST,SC,OBC,VJNT 1,2,3) 45% (44.50-44.99%) will be eligible. For B.Com, Management, Engineering, Computer Science, Technology, Agriculture, BBI, Pharmacy, Law, Fine Arts Performing Arts, Music, Dance,  Drama with 55% marks at graduation or post-graduation will be eligible for open category and for reserved category 50%. Any other qualification equivalent thereof is eligible for admission to the programme.
  • Qualifying MH. B.Ed. CET conducted by Directorate of Higher Education, Pune, Maharashtra is mandatory.
Mode of instruction
  • Regular
Medium of Instruction
  • English (But students can appear for exam in Marathi & Hindi medium)
Duration of course
  • 4 Semesters in 2 years
Intake capacity
  • 100
Admission Process: https://view.mahacet.org/mahacet/admin/news_document/MAH-B.Ed-CET-2020INFORMATIONBROCHURE.pdf
Important links: https://info.mahacet.org/cet2020/MAH-B.Ed-&-B.Ed-ELCT-2020/
CET Application form link: https://bedcet2021.mahacet.org/StaticPages/HomePage
CAP Application form link: https://bed.hepravesh.in/Public/Home.aspx


Courses Credits External Marks Internal Marks Total Marks
Core Course 1: Childhood and Growing up 6 60 40 100
Core Course 2: Knowledge and Curriculum 6 60 40 100
Interdisciplinary Course 1 :Gender, School

and Society

6 60 40 100
Ability Course 1:Critical Understanding of


3 —- 50 50
Project Based Course 1 3 —- 50 50
Total 24 180 220 400
Semester 2
Core Course 3: Learning and Teaching 6 60 40 100
Elective Course 1: Pedagogy of School

Subject 1

6 60 40 100
Interdisciplinary Course 2: Educational


6 60 40 100
Project Based Course 2 6 —- 100 100
Total 24 180 220 400
Semester 3
Core Course 4: Assessment for Learning 6 60 40 100
Elective Course 2: Pedagogy of School Subject 2 /Peace Education/ Education for

Rural Development (Any one)

6 60 40 100
Interdisciplinary Course 3: Language Across

the Curriculum

6 60 40 100
Project Based Course 3 12 —- 200 200
Total 30 180 320 500
Semester 4
Core Course 5: Contemporary India and


6 60 40 100
Elective Course 3: Special Field Action Research/Guidance and

Counselling/Environmental Education (any one)

6 60 40 100
Interdisciplinary Courses 4: Creating an

Inclusive School

6 60 40 100
Ability Course 2: Reading and Reflecting on


3 —- 50 50
Project Based Course 4 9 150 150
Any one Audit Course(Understanding the Self, Drama and Art in education) will be opted by student in Semester 1 and Certified in Semester 4 3 —-
Total Credits 33 180 320 500

*Total Credits: 111; Total Marks 1800 (1 Credit = 12 Hours)